Since the Mists of Pandaria was unveiled last month, players are curious about what color will be used as Monk's class color? Blizzard community manager Zaryhm have posted his answer last week in the official forums:
Right now the monk is jade green. We like the color, but it's not absolutely set in stone. For those wondering how this would work with the hunter green, it's as different as the colors are for mages and shaman.
While some hunters are grumpy about sharing their part of the spectrum, a few hunters don’t mind at all, as long as Blizzard goes with a darker choice like Sacramento State green.
“I know healing can be whack-a-mole, but there will be times when I have to choose between the life of a Hunter or a Monk. My fear is that I will waste time squinting to see which is which, and let both of them die,” said a Priest. It seems this problem really make some players feel confused. Then, what do you think? Do you think the jade green is really that hard to be distinguished from hunter's green? Well, have a look at the table of all classes' color below, and maybe you will got your answer.
Class | RGB | HEX |
Death Knight | 196, 30, 59 | #C41F3B |
Druid | 255, 125, 10 | #FF7D0A |
Hunter | 171, 212, 115 | #ABD473 |
Monk | 45, 155, 120 | #2D9B78 |
Mage | 105, 204, 240 | #69CCF0 |
Paladin | 245, 140, 186 | #F58CBA |
Priest | 255, 255, 255 | #FFFFFF |
Rogue | 255, 245, 105 | #FFF569 |
Shaman | 36, 89, 255 | #2459FF |
Warlock | 148, 130, 202 | #9482CA |
Warrior | 199, 156, 110 | #C79C6E |
All the data above are for reference only